Marco Filippi is graduated in Mechanical Engineering, former full professor of Building Physics and HVAC systems at Politecnico di Torino, member of the Accademia delle Scienze.
In the academic world, he founded a research group of international standing and developed an intense activity about building physics (air conditioning, lighting, acoustics) and energy in buildings. He is author of over 450 scientific, educational, and informative publications and he was awarded by REHVA “in recognition of his outstanding achievements in science and for his contribution to improve energy efficiency and the indoor environment of buildings”.
Over the years he has served as a consultant on major projects: Quinto Palazzo Uffici Snam, San Donato Milanese (Office Building); Lingotto, Turin (Mixed uses); La Venaria Reale, Turin (Historic Buildings); Intesa Sanpaolo HQ, Turin (Office Building); Lavazza HQ Turin (Office Building); Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Turin (Museum); Redo sgr (Social Housing Projects).
Based on the numerous professional and academic experiences he has been working to develop a multidisciplinary consultancy approach, applied to building physics and innovative technologies topics, helping to provide the Client with technical-disciplinary coordination. He currently supervises design and construction processes, and post occupancy evaluations. He acts as a consultant on behalf of both public and private organizations about building physics, HVAC systems, building sustainability, and energy management of buildings.
He joined GET to support company development and provide consulting services as senior advisor