Daniele Guglielmino is a registered Architect and PhD in Technological Innovation for the Built Environment at the Energy Department of the Polytechnic University of Turin.
He was Founder and first secretary of the “Piemonte” Chapter of Green Building Council Italia in 2011, formerly deputy coordinator of the Technical Committee “Energy and Atmosphere” of GBC Italia.
From 2012 to 2018 he held the role of Senior Sustainability Specialist and then Line Manager at Manens-Tifs s.p.a. From 2018 to 2021 he worked as Senior Specialist LEED for Cities and Communities at GBCI Europe, working to support investors and public authorities in undertaking urban regeneration initiatives.
Since January 2022 he is in charge as CEO of GET s.r.l. and member of the board of IN6 s.r.l.
It is currently involved in the following associative activities:
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Society of Environmental Medicine and delegate for the Piedmont region;
- Founding member of the Italian section of IBPSA (International Building Performance Simulation Association);
- Member of the Joint Table of the Italian Ministry of Culture “Culture, Environment and Health”.
- Member of the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and of the European Sustainability Product Council of ULI.
His professional career focuses on sustainability rating systems for buildings and cities and their impact on the Italian and European market as a driver to increase market awareness, operating as a trainer and strategic consultant.
Daniele Guglielmino is author of about 40 technical and scientific papers.
+39 347 2645 024